Thursday, September 17, 2015


My daughters loved baked potatoes when they were growing up.  I made them often for an evening meal.  You can prepare the toppings in advance to save prep time the next day.

How to Bake a Potato in a Slow Cooker

1 to 8 russet potatoes - washed and dried
Olive, Canola or Vegetable oil
Sea Salt

Aluminum foil

Slow Cooker, any size

Prepare the potatoes by laying each one on a square sheet of aluminum foil.  Rub each potato with 1/2 teaspoon cooking oil.  I slip on a pair of clear plastic food saver gloves to do this.  Makes the process go quickly.  Sprinkle with sea salt.

Prick the potato with a fork a few times (this allows steam to escape while cooking and avoids the potato from bursting).  Wrap each potato tightly in the foil.

Arrange the potatoes in the slow cooker snugly.  It's okay to stack them.  When they are all in the slow cooker add a tablespoon of water over them.  This prevents the liner of the slow cooker cracking.

Cover and bake for 8 to 10 hours on LOW.

When ready to eat; unwrap the potatoes, split them lengthwise and top with grated cheese, diced onions, diced tomatoes, bacon bits, nacho cheese sauce, butter, chopped broccoli, diced ham, salt & pepper, sour cream, chopped chives or whatever toppings you like.

We have had Mexican, Italian, and meat topped varieties and they were all good!

Truthfully I haven't baked a potato in the oven for years.  This is my "go-to" way of preparing baked potatoes for a meal. 

I have also baked them overnight in my slow cooker when needing them for potato salad or cottage fries. 

Leftover potatoes can be kept, wrapped in foil for up to 3-4 days in the fridge.

Baking potatoes like this works great in the summer as it doesn't heat up the kitchen.


I attended a church that hosted a group for women called:  "SPUD BUDS".
Every few months we would gather for fellowship with one another.  The hostess provided the baked potatoes and everyone else brought different toppings.  It was a delightful time.  After dinner we would play games or watch a movie - or laugh until our sides hurt.  The time together was a blessing to our souls.

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